The Third International Workshop on Semantic Computing and
Knowledge Creation based on Needs Engineering
(SCKNE 2018)
Prof. Cristiane Chaves Gattaz, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA (
Semantic interoperability, ubiquitous computing, enterprise integration and business convergence by competence sharing are some of the main problems faced in industry today. All of these topics have been addressed in a uni-disciplinary approach, which has the advantage of leading to focused disciplinary progress. However, it also leaves unexplored solutions that can only be arrived upon by collaborators with diverse expertise, coming together in a multi and interdisciplinary approaches. This workshop is intended to bring together researchers, practitioners and domain experts, sharing the latest advances in the state of the art and practice for transdisciplinary problem solving with multi-criteria measurement, to address the challenges in needs engineering. It will provide a unique forum for discussion on integrated frameworks considering business ontologies, IoT understanding, value based process technologies, big data analysis and architectures, machine learning, deep learning and all legacy dependent systems.
Topics of interest
The topics of interest within the context of this workshop include, but are not limited to:
Digital Ecosystems for Innovation
Innovation by Competence Modeling, Simulation, Emulation and Enactment
Semantic Interoperability
Ubiquitous Computing
Internet of Things
Enterprise Integration and Business Convergence
Business Ontologies
Value based Process Technologies
Integrated Frameworks for Dynamic Problem Solving
Big Data Analysis and Architectures
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Architectures
Competence Transdisciplinary Measurement
Social Business
Fields of interest for semantic computing and knowledge creation applications
Authors are invited to submit a paper up to 6 pages (in English) in double-column IEEE format following the submission guidelines available at the ICSC 2018 web page.
Papers must be original and not be submitted to or accepted by any other conference or journal. An electronic version (PDF format) of the full paper should be submitted by the deadline to EasyChair. All submissions will be acknowledged. More information is available on the ICSC 2018 web page.
Each paper will be peer-reviewed by at least two experts in the topical area. Papers accepted by the workshop will be published in the conference proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Outstanding papers will be selected for extension and publication in International Journal of Semantic Computing or Encyclopedia with Semantic Computing and Robotic Intelligence.
Important Dates
December 15, 2017 (Midnight, PST): Regular paper submission
December 22, 2017: Notification of acceptance
December 31, 2017: Camera-ready & author registration
Organizing Committee
Any general questions regarding the workshop should be directed to workshop chair.
Workshop Co-Chairs
Aureliano Bressan, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Gustavo Silva Araújo, Ibmec-Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets, Brazil
Paulo Estevão Cruvinel, Embrapa Instrumentation, Brazil
Wesley Mendes da Silva, FGV-EAESP, Brazil
Elmer Alexis Gamboa Peñaloza, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil