Paper Registration and Publication Policy
Every paper accepted for ICSC 2018 and workshops MUST have attached to it at least one registration at the full member/nonmember rate. Thus, for a paper for which all authors are students, one student author will be required to register at the full registration rate.
In the case of multiple acceptances, each extra paper can be regsitered with a discount of USD$100.
A full or short paper registration is entitled for a free poster registration.
Every registered paper will be included in the conference proceedings and MUST be presented during the conference.
Failure to register will result in removal of your paper from the conference proceedings and the IEEE eXplore library.
Failure to present a paper at the conference without a substitute (no show) will result in removal of your paper from the IEEE eXplore library.
The page numbers for regular, short, workshop, poster, and demo papers are limited to 8, 4, 6, 2, and 2 pages, respectively, including all figures, tables, and references.
Regular , short, and workshop papers allow up to 2 extra pages with $150 per extra page. No extra page is allowed for poster or demo papers.