Call for Contributions - PhD Workshop
IRC PhD Workshops strongly encourage participations of PhD students and provide an opportunity for PhD students to present their research work before it is completed to encourage interactions among PhD students and with more experienced researchers.
IRC 2021 welcomes submissions from PhD students who have not yet received their PhD degrees. For students in the early stages, your submission should clearly state the problem you are addressing, why it is important, what have been done by other people, the weaknesses of the existing approaches, and provide an outline of your approach. If you are close to completion, the submission should be more concrete to include your contribution so far.
Important Dates
All deadlines below are 5 PM Pacific Time.
Submission deadline: August 9, 2021
Notification of acceptance: September 15, 2021
Camera-ready copy due: October 27, 2021
Submission Guidelines
PhD workshop submissions must be submitted electronically, in PDF format, using the PhD Workshop Track on EasyChair (TBA).
Submissions must be single-author and must identify any supervisors with "supervised by" on the paper and below the author's name.
Papers are limited to a length of 4 pages (including all material) and must be formatted with the same rules as IRC papers. It is acceptable if portions of the thesis work have been published or submitted for publication. Since the submission is limited to 4 pages, it does not constitute a duplicate submission to IRC. Accepted papers will be included in IRC proceedings.
Review Process
The review of submissions will include, but are not limited to, the following factors: (1) the merit of the proposed research, (2) where you stand in the PhD program, and (3) diversity of backgrounds and topics.
The program committee will give priorities to candidates who have a clearly developed idea and who still have time to be influenced by participating in the PhD Workshop.
Attendance and Registration Requirements
Because the conference will be held with a hybrid model, no physical attendance is required. Authors are allowed to register at the virtual student rate. The conference may waive the registration on a case by case basis.
One or more best student workshop paper awards may be recommended by the workshop. Each award will receive a certificate and a waiver of the registration fee.
PhD Workshop Chair
Luca Muratore, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Italy
Committee Members:
Dimitrios Kanoulas, University College London (UCL), UK
Lorenzo Natale, (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Italy
Chengxu Zhou, University of Leeds, UK