Workshop of AI in Cybersecurity, Privacy and Software Engineering (ai4cp 2022)
Co-located with ai4i 2022
Sponsored by Acronis and Acronis SCS September 19-21
Artificial Intelligence is a growth industry with many tentacles touching almost every facet of industry, commerce and technology. As the field frows, methodology and techniques of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are becoming ever more common in cybersecurity, privacy and software engineering. This workshop aims to expose & highlight the fundamentals and some applications of AI to the topics mentioned in the title.
The workshop, that will take place between September 19, 2022 - September 21, 2022, in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on AI for Industries (ai4i 2022, http://www.ai4i.org/), is a forum for researchers, industry practitioners and domain experts in AI, its applications to exchange the latest advances of the state of the art and practice of AI-related applications to software engineering, cybersecurity and privacy.
The topics of interest of the workshop include, but are not limited to:
Anomaly detection
Big data methodology
Machine learning methodology
Empirical study
Data security
Post-RSA Encryption
Security risk analysis
AI methodology, theory and applications
Combinatorial optimization and enumerations
Source code analysis
Applications of deep learning
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: July 15, 2022 PDT
Notification of acceptance: August 15, 2022
Camera-Ready Submission and Registration Deadline: September 1, 2022
Directly to joe.barr@acronisscs.com
Organizing Committee
Joseph R. Barr, Acronis SCS, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Sanjeev Solanki, Acronis, Singapore​
Acronis SCS is a US-based, independently operated and governed cyber protection and edge data security company exclusively dedicated to meeting the unique requirements of the US public sector. In contrast, Acronis – Acronis SCS’ international parent company – serves private companies, non-US public sectors, and individual consumers. Acronis SCS’ innovative and comprehensive cyber protection, backup and disaster recovery, anti-ransomware, and enterprise file sync and share software solutions ensure operational assurance and data security across America’s federal, state, and local government, education, healthcare, and nonprofit computing environments. All Acronis SCS workforce is 100 percent American citizens.