The deadline for paper submission is extended to July 22, 11:59pm PDT.
Graph Computing
(GC 2019)
September 25-27, 2019, Laguna Hills, California
Co-located with
Transdisciplinary AI 2019, Humanized Computing and Communication 2019, and AI for Industries 2019

Graphs are widely used to model complex data nowadays: social networks, recommendation engines, computer networks, bio-informatics, to name a few. Graph theory has traditionally been a core area of research in computer science and artificial intelligence. With the growing number of applications and amount of data, Graph Computing addresses the storage, analysis, synthesis, and processing of (possibly large) graphs to solve complex problems. .
Graph Computing 2019 (GC 2019), technically sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, is an international forum for academia and industries to exchange visions and ideas in the state of the art and practice of Graph Computing, as well as to identify the emerging topics and define the future of Graph Computing.
TOPICS OF INTEREST include, but are not limited to:
Graph algorithms
Storage of graphs
Combinatorial optimization
Knowledge graphs
Network analysis
Diffusion analysis
Influence analysis
Social networks
Semantic networks
Graph databases
Query languages
Query processing and optimization
Integrity and security
Graph OLAP
Graph mining
Graph learning
Graph reduction
Graph visualization
Big graph analytics
The conference proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® and/or IEEE Computer Society Press digital library. Distinguished quality papers presented at the conference will be selected for the best paper/poster awards and for publication in internationally renowned journals (SCI, EI, and/or Scopus indexed).