Department of EECS, University of California, Irvine
Haosong Li and Phillip Sheu, "A Scalable Association Rule Learning and Recommendation Algorithm for Large-scale Microarray Datasets," Journal of Big Data, Springer, (Accepted for publication), 2022
Haosong Li and Phillip Sheu, "A Scalable Association Rule Learning Heuristic for Large Datasets," Journal of Big Data, Springer, 8, 86 (2021)
Charles Wang, Jenny Jin, Jan-Gowth Chang, Masahiro Hayakawa, Atsushi Kitazawa, Jeffrey Tsai, and Phillip C-Y Sheu, "Identification of Most Influential Co-Occurring Gene Suites for Gastrointestinal Cancer using Biomedical Literature Mining and Graph-based Influence Maximization," BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2020, 20(1):208
C.H. Chou, P.C_Y Sheu, M. Hayakawa, A. Kitazawa, "Querying Large Graphs in Biomedicine with Colored Graphs and Decomposition," Journal of Biomedical Informatics (Elsevier) Volume 108, August 2020, 103503
Lin, H., Sheu, P.C., Tsai, J.J.P. et al., “Text Mining in a Literature Review of Urothelial Cancer using Topic Model,“ BMC Cancer 20, 462 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12885-020-06931-0
J. Jin, G. Zhang, P. C-Y Sheu, M. Hiyakawa, A. Kitazawa, "Influence Maximization in Graph-based OLAP (GOLAP)," Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Springer, 2019 9: 54
Wang, C.C.; Li, C.Y.; Cai, J.-H.; Sheu, P. .-Y.; Tsai, J.J.; Wu, M.-Y.; Li, C.-J.; Hou, M.-F. Identification of Prognostic Candidate Genes in Breast Cancer by Integrated Bioinformatic Analysis. J. Clin. Med. 2019, 8, 1160
S. Ma, Q. Liu, P. Sheu, “Projected Visible Light for 3D Finger Tracking and Device Augmentation on Everyday Objects,” Internet of Things: Engineering Cyber Physical Human Systems (Elsevier), 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iot.2019.02.004
S. Wang, G. Zhang, P. C-Y Sheu, M. Hayakawa, H. Shigematsu and A. Kitazawa, "Losssy Graph Reduction," International Journal of Semantic Computing, 12(3), 2018
S. Wang, G. Zhang, P. C-Y Sheu, M. Hayakawa, H. Shigematsu, and A. Kitazawa, “A Semantic Approach to Data Reduction for Weighted Graphs and Complex Queries,” International Journal of Semantic Computing, 12(2), 2018
S. Ma, Q. Liu, P. Sheu, “Foglight: Visible Light-enabled Indoor Localization System for Low-power IoT Devices,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5(1), February 2018, pp. 175-185
C.N. Wang, J. Tsai, and P.C-Y. Sheu, “Application of Semantic Computing in Cancer on Secondary Data Analysis,” Workshop on Semantic Robots, IEEE International Conference of Robotic Computing, 2018.
S. Ma, C. Kim, Q. Liu, P. Sheu, “Lift: Using Projected Coded Light for Finger Tracking and Device Augmentation,” Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, 2017.
S. Ma, Q. Liu, P. Sheu, “On Hearing Your Position through Light for Mobile Robot Indoor Navigation,” Proceedings, IEEE Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), Seattle, Washington, USA, 2016.
Charles C. N. Wang, Pei-Chun Chang, Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, "A Comparison Study of Reverse Engineering Gene Regulatory Network Modeling," Proceedings, IEEE BIBE 2016, Taichung Taiwan, 2016: 356-362
Charles C. N. Wang, Yu-Liang Lee, Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, "Application of Latent Semantic Analysis to Clustering of Cardiovascular Gene Ontology," Proceedings, IEEE BIBE 2016: 363-368
Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Masahito Gotaishi, Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, Shigeo Tsujii, "Privacy Preserving Data Processing," Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA) 2015: 714-719
YongHong Tian, Shu-Ching Chen, Mei-Ling Shyu, Tiejun Huang, Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, Alberto Del Bimbo, "Multimedia Big Data," IEEE MultiMedia 22(3): 93-95 (2015)
K. Hao, P. C-Y Sheu, H. Yamaguchi, J. Tsai, "KSOS - An Operating System for Knowledge Societies," International Journal of Semantic Computing Vol. 9, No. 4 (2015) 483–502
C. Wang, P. C-Y Sheu, J. Tsai, "Towards Semantic Biomedical Problem Solving," International Journal of Semantic Computing Vol. 9, No. 4 (2015) 415–431
S. Wang and P. C-Y Sheu, "Computational Annotations: SCDL-NL as a Structured Annotation Language," International Journal of Semantic Computing Vol. 09, No. 04, (2015) 503-521
Phillip C-Y Sheu and Arif Ghafoor, Guest Editorial, Special Issue on Semantic Computing, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2015