ISM 2023

Best Paper Award: Jukka I. Ahonen, Nam Le, Honglei Zhang, Antti Hallapuro, Francesco Cricri, Hamed Rezazadegan Tavakoli, Miska M. Hannuksela and Esa Rahtu, "NN-VVC: Versatile Video Coding boosted by self-supervisedly learned image coding for machines".
Antonio Picariello Best Student Paper Award: Abhilash Dharmavarapu, Jiashen Cao, Stefano Petrangeli and Hyesoon Kim, "EHT-SR: An Entropy-Based Hybrid Approach for Faster Super-Resolution".
Continuous Excellence Team Award: Qian Zhou, Mingyuan Wu, Yinjie Zhang, Michael Zink, Ramesh Sitaraman and Klara Nahrstedt, "360TripleView: 360-Degree Video View Management System Driven by Convergence Value of Viewing Preferences".
Authors who plan to attend in person, please fill out a survey
Detailed logistics will be sent to the corresponding authors by email.
As the program committee needs more time to complete the paper reviews, the acceptance deadline is extended to 10/19 PT.
As requested by some authors, the submission site will remain open until 9/24 at 11:59pm PT
25th IEEE International Symposium
December 11-13, 2023
The Hills Hotel
Laguna Hills, California
(format: hybrid)
Co-located with IEEE BigMM 2023 and IRC 2023
Research in multimedia computing is generally concerned with presentation, integration and computation of one or more media, such as text, image, graphics, audio, video, social data, and data collected from various sensors, etc., using computing techniques. The IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM) is the flagship conference of IEEE Technical Committee on Multimedia (TCMC) and an international forum for researchers to exchange information regarding advances in the state of the art and practice of multimedia computing, as well as to identify the emerging research topics and define the future of multimedia computing.
Submissions are solicited for full papers, short papers, position papers, and workshop papers. Topics for submission include but are not limited to:
Systems and Architectures
Mobile multimedia systems and services
Pervasive and interactive media systems including mobile systems, pervasive gaming, and digital TV
Multimedia data in the Cloud
GPU-based multimedia architectures and systems
Software development framework using multimedia techniques
Communications and Streaming
Multimedia networking and QoS
Mobile audio/video streaming
Wireless broadcasting and streaming
Scalable streaming
Peer-to-peer media systems and streaming
Sensor networks
Internet telephony technologies and systems
Video teleconferencing
Multimedia Interfaces
Information visualization and interactive systems
Multimodal user interfaces: design, engineering, modality-abstractions, etc.
Tools for media authoring, analyzing, editing, browsing, and navigation
Intelligent agents for content creation, distribution, and analysis
Novel interfaces for multimedia: touch, tangible, wearable, virtual, 3D, etc.
User interfaces for mobile devices
Media Coding, Processing, and Quality Measurement
Signal processing including audio, video, image processing, and coding
Coding standards
Scalable and Multi-view coding
Multi-resolution or super-resolution algorithms
Maintenance of perceptual quality with further compression
Developing novel quality measures
Multimedia Security and Forensics
Data security including digital watermarks and encryption
Copyright issues for multimedia data
Surveillance and monitoring methods
Face detection and recognition algorithms
Human behavior analysis from motion images/videos
Multimedia-based computer forensics (e.g., crime scene investigation, user profiling)
Multimedia Captchas, including attacks and counter-attacks
On forensic use of biometrics
Data hiding, stenography, and steganalysis
Trust and privacy issues in media systems
Content Understanding, Modeling, Management, and Retrieval
Media meta-modeling techniques
Storage systems, databases, and retrieval
Data segmentation
Image, audio, video, genre clustering & classification
Video summarization and story generation
Speaker identification, recognition, and location
Object, event, emotion, text detection and recognition
Mosaic, video panorama and background generation
Media semantics, ontologies, annotation, concept detection and learning
Personalization and user preferences
3D and depth information
Viewer perception, emotion analysis and visual attention
Multimedia datasets and open source code for research
Multimedia recommender systems
Fake multimedia detection
Mobile Media
Mobile and location-based media techniques
Mobile visual search
Social networks for mobile users
Augmented reality for mobile users
Content delivery in mobile networks (e.g., 3G, 4G and future 5G)
Mobile applications
Big data
3D data: graphics, displays, sound, broadcasting, interfaces
Media composition and production: capture, authoring, digital art, animations, etc.
Virtual and augmented reality
Media interfaces for the Web
Media in social network analysis
Rich media enabled E-commerce and E-shopping
Media systems for handicapped
Collaborative systems
Interdisciplinary media applications: Bioinformatics, Transportation systems, Wild-life monitoring and analysis, etc.
Deep learning of multimedia data