ICCI*CC 2018

An electronic copy of papers in PDF format in English should be submitted via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccicc18 by Feb. 5, 2018 with detailed information of author(s). Full papers should be around 6-8 pages in length in IEEE double column format as posted in the website. Short papers (4-5 pages) that report industrial experience, case studies, work in progress, or graduate students’ research may also be considered. The proceedings of ICCI*CC’18 will be published by IEEE CS Press and indexed by EI, Xplore, and DBLP. Selected papers will be published in I.J. of Cognitive Informatics & Natural Intelligence (EI & ISI emerging), J. of Advanced Mathematical & Applications, I.J. of Software Science & Computational Intelligence, and an IEEE Transactions.
Paper submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeeiccicc18