BigMM 2022
We have emailed you the logistics. Please contact bigmm@uci.edu if you don't receive the email.
Thank you for your support, patience, and cooperation.
Presentation Instructions (Revised on 11/22)
The advance program will be available shortly.
In-person conference attendees can make reservations by contacting the hotel reservation office to check the availability, specifying that they need to attend the IEEE ISM/IRC/BigMM 2022 event. Reservation office:
tel : +39 081/7644614; e-mail :book@royalcontinental.it -
As the program committee needs more time to complete the paper reviews, the acceptance deadline is extended to 10/29 PT. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for the delay.
As requested by some authors, the submission site will remain open until 9/30 at 11:59pm PT.
The deadline for paper submission is extended to 11:59PM, September 24, PT. Other deadlines are adjusted accordingly (listed under DATES).
Multimedia Big Data
December 5-7, 2022
Royal Continental Hotel
Naples, Italy