Content and Activity Engineering (CAE) 2020
While much of the current research on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is focused on content analysis, the ultimate success of AI also relies on the continuous generation of content. Content & Activity Engineering addresses the ability to retrieve, manage, and create new or new kind of activities as well as content, where 'content' may be structured data, text, video, audio, graphics, dialogue, etc. Example activities include authoring, conversation, gaming, problem solving, e-commerce, virtual and augment reality, social networking, etc. Example content includes structured data, text, image, graphics, video, audio, etc.
Content & Activity Engineering 2020 (CAE 2020), technically sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, is an international forum for academia and industries to exchange visions and ideas in the state of the art and practice of Content & Activity Engineering, as well as to identify the emerging topics and define the future of CAE..
​TOPICS OF INTEREST​​ include, but are not limited to:​
Content retrieval and management
Automatic and semi-automatic content generation
Authoring tools for all types of content including structured data, text, video, audio, graphics, etc.
Computational creativity
Modelling and simulation
Syntactic and semantic aspects of content and activity
Question answering and conversational agents
Context modelling
Activity generation
Incremental problem solving
Collaborative problem solving
Virtual and augmented reality
Gaming and entertainment
Social networking
E-Commerce and recommendation
IoT driven activities and content
New types of content and activity
Content & Activity Engineering 2020 Co-Chairs
Giovanni Pilato, Italian Research Council, Italy
Phillip Sheu, University of California, Irvine, USA
Program Committee (TBA)