Call for Papers
First International Workshop on
Generative AI and Software Engineering
(GenAI&SE 2024)
Co-located with IEEE AIxSET 2024
The first international Workshop on Generative AI is an interdisciplinary event designed for the purpose of a pragmatic means of integrating Generative AI (GenAI) models across engineering disciplines. This workshop will support innovation in the application of GenAI for purpose of improved efficiency and performance of engineering processes.
Generative AI has exploded recently with applications such as ChatGPT gaining faster acceptance than any other application prior. This has brought AI into a new era of disruptive technology where every traditional skill set is likely to be questioned. This has included even high technology roles such as software development and AI model generation. This technology represents higher levels of intuition into data sets than employed prior. Challenges of initial APIs for GenAI includes the lack of integration with localized data sources as well as the verification and validation of results.
By bringing together the AI and engineering communities, we aim to enhance research and development capabilities and accelerate scientific and technological progress through shared resources and collaborative efforts.
We invite researchers and industry professionals to submit poster presentations on topics including, but not limited to:
GenAI for code generation
Local LLMs
Integration of LLMs via APIs
Training and implementation of GenAI models
Integration of GenAI into legacy applications
New applications constructed from GenAI models
GenAI assisted software development and troubleshooting.
We invite you to submit extended abstracts (two pages, excluding references) in PDF format through this link by August 20, 2024.
Contributions will be reviewed for quality and relevance to the workshop’s theme. Theoretical and applied papers and papers that capture best practices and lessons learned from field studies are encouraged. Submission of preliminary results would also be considered.
Authors of accepted abstracts will present their work at the workshop either as regular talks or as posters.
The workshop organizers plan to invite the authors of distinguished extended abstracts to submit a full paper of their work in internationally renowned journals (SCI, EI, and/or Scopus indexed).
Workshop Organizers and Program Committee
David Ostrowski, Northwestern University, USA
Sheida Malekpour, Toyota, USA
Nestor Rychtyckyj, Ford Motor, USA