First Annual IEEE Workshop on on Artificial Intelligence
Applications for Blockchain
(AIAB 2021)
To date, the reality of the Semantic web as envisioned by Tim Berners-Lee has not yet been realized. Linked Data has been proposed as a pragmatic alternative which has not yet come to fruition. In our day of digital currency, the underlying technology of Blockchain could in effect present a suitable architecture to support a workable solution. As Blockchain technology finds itself in increasingly new applications in industry well beyond the use of cryptocurrency, it has demonstrated increasing potential for the means of interconnecting data and meaning, thus allowing for reasoning.
This workshop presents a tutorial that explains the basics of Blockchain technology including some very brief hands-on programming examples for the experienced programmer who is interested in learning the basics of Blockchain but has no prior knowledge. Demonstration includes installation and operation of nodes on the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchain as well as live code demonstration of a Smart Contract. The theoretical principles of Blockchain are also discussed in which it Is related to issues of semantics as well as a review of the means of how a futuristic Internet may be powered by Blockchain networks allowing for a realization of the promises of web 2.0.
Workshop co-chairs:
Dr. David Ostrowski , Dr. Sheida Malekpour, Dr. Nestor Rychtyckyj
Ford Motors, USA